Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Sell My Puzzle Video Game


NOTE! Please before placing an order, contact me and tell me requirements in case you want some changes in the game, and then we can proceed with the order. If you place an order before, with any misunderstanding, then, im sorry, I wont be able to help you with it, and I will end up sending you my version of the game.

This gig is only for the game I have made, I wont make any changes to it unless if you want some change in it then discuss it with me before and then I can create a custom order for you which would require longer delivery time and would cost more.

This is the full version of game that I created on my youtube channel. I showed the shorter version on youtube but this is the full version. Im gonna send you the whole Adobe Animate file, with the coding, designing and everything that was required to create the game.


: : : : :

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