Friday, May 24, 2024

Make Videogames In Unity


Hello! I'm a unity developer. Working with Unity and C# for 3 years and have big experience in clean code and architecture.

I love make cool games and can make everything what you want.

I working with Git, Zenject, UniRx, DoTween, LeanTween, OpenAI, Blockchain, Networking, Bot AI, Ad ( also online purchase ), Physics, Map generating, UI, Animations and more

My projects:

Runcraft. This is a game with Minecraft graphics and map generation,

I publish it in Play Market. but it was deleted after one year because version of the unity was really old but i have source code and apk file in google drive.

Video -

Google drive -

Street bosses. This is a game where you play as boss of mafia, buy your gangsters and attack businesses in the street. I create bot AI in the game with strategy brain. This is a web game.

Video -

Also i have channel where i make videos about programming.

Name of the channel - Alice Mon | Unity developer


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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Board Game App Like Ludo, Chess, Monopoly, Checkers, Scrabble Games


We Build Board Game With a team of experts, from beginning to end it offers end-to-end solutions for game development services.

Our team has comprehensive knowledge of all the dimensions of Board Game Development. Board game contains various rules and has tokens that represent the players.

With the array of ready-to-go software and well-defined strategies, we can alter your dream into reality. 

Board games are Ludo, Chess, Monopoly, Checkers, Bingo, Scrabble, Chinese Checkers, and more. Modern game app developers are offering services like Ludo game app developmentChess game app development, Bingo game development, and so on

We Design Eye-catching Design Colourful and bright visuals Pre to Post Launch Partners 3rd Party Integrations Business Consultation Multi-currency and language Support Large Customer Base Fully Automated Solutions Vast team of talented developers On-Time Delivery and so on.

With a motivated and creative team of designers, we offer extensive solutions for pre-launch development and post-launch.

Contact now for more details


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