Friday, March 29, 2024

Create A Profesional Minecraft Server For You


I provide premium Minecraft server setups featuring top-tier plugins. My work ethic prioritizes speed and efficiency while consistently adapting to my clients' needs. With every package, I offer a complimentary website that remains free indefinitely (excluding the domain). Message me before purchasing to discuss further details.


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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Develop Web App Or Game Using Playcanvas , Cocos , Threejs


Unlock the potential of HTML5, WebGL, and cutting-edge frameworks with my expert game and web app development services. With deep expertise in PlayCanvas, Cocos, and Three.js, I craft captivating 3D experiences that transcend platforms. From seamless ads integration to PlayFab enhancements, I offer a complete solution.

Services Offered:

  • Expert Game Design & Development with PlayCanvas and Cocos
  • Engaging Web App Creation using Three.js and HTML5
  • Seamless Ads Integration (Admob)
  • PlayFab Integration for Enhanced User Experiences
  • Responsive Design for PC and Mobile

Why Choose Me:

  • Impeccable Security Measures
  • Swift Delivery Options Available
  • Clean, Optimized Code for Superior Performance
  • Native WebGL Games for Optimal Speed

My Workflow:

  1. Requirement Gathering: I meticulously analyze your needs.
  2. Budget & Timeline: We determine the scope and schedule.
  3. Workflow Design: I outline the application's structure.
  4. Coding & Optimization: Your project comes to life.
  5. Deployment & Delivery: Seamless integration and timely handover.

Please note that pricing is tailored to your specific project requirements. Inbox me to discuss your ideas


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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Make 2D Html5 Javascript Browser Games For You


Please contact me before placing an order to avoid unnecessary cancelations!!!

Price is not always the same.

I will create 2d games that can be played in the browser(from computer, mobile phone, tablet).

I use html5-css3 , html5 canvas , JavaScript(plain vanilla JavaScript no additional libraries so the code is completely readable) , node.js only.

You just need to describe your game in detail and when we make it clear we can make a deal. I will make a custom offer.


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