Monday, June 24, 2024

A Remote Reiki Blessing For Your Home Or Office


También te puedo ayudar en Español.

Check my video to hear my voice and more information about this gig.

I will send you a voice-recorded file explaining how the session went.

The importance of home clearings:

When we move into a new home, we clean it vigorously, but we should also clean the energy field. Your focus should be to have the highest and best energy in your home, removing all energy that brings negativity and doesn't belong to you.

Think of this home cleansing as a "metaphysical spring cleaning" that will make life more harmonious for all the household members and pets and help manifest abundance. I will send Reiki light to your home and remove unwanted energy.

I offer extras if you want to focus specifically on one or more areas of your home. Otherwise, the entire house will receive this blessing without a specific focus. I will also give you some advice on keeping the energy at the highest state possible.

Make sure to check the FAQ to learn more about Fernando Albert and additional details about this gig.


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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Clone Or Do Wordpress Website Design Using Elementor Pro


Please contact me before placing an order.

Looking to create stunning websites/templates based on PSD/XD/PDF/images or replicate a demo site? I specialize in utilizing Elementor Pro to deliver exceptional quality work.

With extensive experience in designing intricate websites, I am well-versed in working with custom post types, taxonomies, and custom fields. Whether you have an existing site on platforms like Wix, Weebly, Shopify, or any other CMS and wish to migrate it to WordPress using Elementor, I am here to help.

If you desire an exact design and layout replication in Elementor, I am the ideal professional for the job.

My Services:

  • Transform PSD/XD/PDF/Image/Demo pages into responsive WordPress templates/websites with Elementor Pro.
  • Create/clone sites in WordPress, ensuring seamless design replication.
  • Design various sites: online stores, multi-vendor eCommerce sites, landing pages, news/blogs, sports, portfolios, services, and more.

Choose me for:

  • Timely delivery of work.
  • Guaranteed customer satisfaction.
  • Consistently high-quality results.

Your satisfaction is my priority. Contact me now to discuss your project and create an outstanding website with Elementor.


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