Saturday, September 16, 2023

Wordpress Customization Of Advance Level


WordPress is popular CMS with extensive customization options , cool features and easy to manage :

I can customize any thing of WordPress theme/plugin, with advanced level of coding skills & strictly following WordPress coding standards and guidelines. I have great working experience for theme customization of envato(themeforest) themes as well.

I will need your requirements details of required wordpress customization , along with the site URL of your site. I work with you and I will provide you top quality work within deadlines and I will keep you update with the progress of work.

You can ask for new theme creation as well.

Following is my work style : 

  1. Discuss your requirments
  2. Get back to you with research & plan
  3. Start development process online on my demo domain so you can see whats going on
  4. Deploy customization to your domain
  5. Fix compatibility issues if any 
  6. Testing (Multiple Browsers, Operation Systems & Devices )
  7. Speed and resource optimization(My part of code) 
  8. Delivered
  9. 6 months support (afterwords see my WordPress support gig)

Looking forward for a great working relationships.

Best Regards

Zaheer Abbas


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Friday, September 15, 2023

Create A High Page Speed Score Google Ads Landing Pages


Having a fast speed Landing Page (which is responsive and mobile-friendly) is part of Google requirements to be listed higher in Paid Google Ads as well as Organic Search Engine Optimization. In this Gig, I will create a responsive landing page which will have Page Speed above 95 (for desktop) and 80+ (for mobile). The Page Speed test can be tested at this link here


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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Setup Your Wix Shipping Charges


Hi! I will setup your wix website shipping charges for live rates, with a focus on matching to the actual shipping charge. So you always charge the customer the right amount without paying cost out of pocket


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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Create A Website Using Google Sites



Google Sites
is a free and easy way to create and share webpages. I can create a simple but beautiful and clean website for yourself or your company. The site will include Home, About Us, Products, Services, Contact Us (with contact form).


100% guaranteed work plus a money-back guarantee


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Monday, September 11, 2023

Be Your Clickfunnels Expert For Sales Funnels


Do you want to become the NEXT MILLION-DOLLAR online marketer? I will be your clickfunnels and sales funnel expert in clickfunnel

You are welcome to the right professional who can flawlessly repair errors/bugs or create your whole funnel.

I am Uzma Azam and I would be glad to be your sales funnel expert. Its been years that I have Successfully Built High Converting Sales Funnels using clickfunnels for various Clients.

Now you Dont need to worry about traffic on your funnel As we are also providing the services of Facebook ads. 


Building and Designing Funnel+Facebook Ads

Designing + sales funnel (With two step order form)

Membership Funnel/Webinar Funnel

Fixing bugs/errors from your Funnels 6. Order Forms/Checkout Pages

Desktop & mobile full optimized Funnel.

SEO optimized links for each step/variation of your funnel.

I will copy any existing funnel through Clickfunnels

Payment gateway integration with forms (PayPal, Stripe etc)

Domain integration with your Click Funnels account

auto-responder integration (MailChimp, GetResponse, ConvertKit and Active Campaign) and much more....



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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Wix Website Design, Wix Website Redesign And Develop Wix Ecommerce Website


Looking for a modern & professional wix website design or wix redesign?

Have you been stuck while creating the wix website? Or are you looking to start or build a wix site based on the latest style and functionalities or do you want wix redesign to make it more eye-catching, mobile responsive and up to the latest trends? So you have come to the right place.

I will create a professional wix design or wix redesign based on the latest trending layouts. Ive started wix in April 2011 and specialize in creating unique Sites through wix to boost your business. I have extensive experience in wix, and I have successfully delivered 100s web sites on other platforms.

Services I Offer:

  • Create wix website design according to your layout
  • Fully desktop and mobile friendly
  • Develop wix website with Wix Studio
  • Custom wix design to stand out the crowd
  • Automated email setup
  • Online booking (complete setup)
  • Add latest feature to your wix ecommerce website
  • Sell your physical or digital product through wix ecommerce

Top Reasons to Hire Me?

  • On-time delivery
  • Commitment on-time
  • 100% money back guarantee

Just leave me a message & I will get back to you in a blink. Thanks


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