Thursday, September 8, 2022

Any Kind Of Joomla Tasks


I am expert Joomla Web Developer, 10+ years experience with front-end and back-end Web Development. I did lots of customization in existing extensions (component/modules/plugins/templates) for joomla1.5, joomla2.5 and joomla3.0. Migrating old joomla1.5 websites to joomla2.5/joomla3 versions.

<========== My Joomla Skills ===========>

1.Responsive Theme development from scratch or from PSD provided.

2.Customizing and create Joomla Extensions for all Joomla versions.

3.Migrating old joomla1.5 websites to joomla2.5/joomla3 versions.

4.Speed optimizations and Clean up.

My services include.

* Full site development

* Joomla, template, extension Installation & Set up

* Customize Joomla templates 

* Joomla site Migration and Upgrade

* Joomla database migration

* Error fixing

*** Will do fast delivery 

 *** Please message me before ordering gig. So, we discuss the project before started. 

*** Price varying project to project.



He did an excellent job, we got off to a little rough start because he did not ask a lot of what I wanted. He did not need more explanation because he knew and understood what I wanted and boy did he ever do an EXCELLENT job!


Apricated your feedback, looking forward for more work.


Sushil is one of the best people to work with. Hes done over 10 projects now and I am always looking foward to the next one.


Thanks for appreciate and always available for your work.


Great work!

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