Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Build Your Highlevel Funnel


If you need to build your email list funnel in HighLevel, then this gig is for you.

You're here because you either have tried to build your own funnel in HighLevel or hired someone to do it for you and the results aren't exactly what you expected.


...and that's what this gig is all about.

Hi, my name is Carlos Vazquez, a Fiverr Pro that specializes in building all types of funnels in ClickFunnels and HighLevel. I'm a Certified Partner for Digital Marketer, Infusionsoft & ActiveCampaign (in other words, I actually get this stuff.)

This gig is for building 1 page with upto 10 elements in HighLevel (feel free to add as many page quantities as needed)

Here's what you can expect once you place an order

  • I'll use a proven-to-succeed design template (no custom-designs)
  • You'll send me the login info and graphics
  • ...and we'll get to work and deliver when we're done.

We'll build the funnel in YOUR account which will only be 1 page.

NOTE: I have a HighLevel Agency account and if you'd like for me to host your funnels, I will host your account for 50% Off the regular price.

We got extras too!

Got a question? Go ahead and send me a message.

See you on the other side!



: : : : :

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