Sunday, May 8, 2022

Customize Your Grav Cms Website


I know you're tired of the old, gigantic, complex and slow Wordpress. But you can't decide about what other CMS to choose, I mean there's so many! Joomla, Drupal, or maybe even Wix.

What about a flexible, fast, simple but powerful CMS? Start using Grav for blogs, landing pages, portfolios, events and even ecommerce!

Grav CMS is a modern open source flat-file CMS, meaning that you don't need a database! Stop loosing your time trying to understand how a dinosaur like Wordpress works and start using GRAV.

If you choose the...

Setup & plugin installation Pkg I will:

  • Install and configure a Grav skeleton directly to your server or giving you the source code.
  • Install extra plugins and making small tweaks if needed.

Theme customization Pkg I will:

  • Install and configure a Grav skeleton.
  • Install plugins.
  • Customize to your needs an already existing theme.

Full creation Pkg I will:

  • Develop a full website.
  • Create a Gantry 5 theme.
  • Make configurable modules.
  • Develop custom plugins if needed.

Feel free to contact me to resolve any question!

Ready to boost up your presence online? Order now!



This was a phenomenal service. Communication was key, they answered all my questions in a very timely manner and had a quick resolution for all my problems. The service/gig exceeded my expectations. They even gave me a warranty for the final product which is something that shows their professionalism.


Very responsive and very fast delivery; he has been a pleasure to work with. He has shown interest in resolving the problem arising from the requested update, correcting the error. Very grateful for the resolution and proactive approach.


This man is amazingly talented


He did the job (even a little bit more than asked) and he did it well. He fulfilled my demand in a few days, it would have taken me much more time to try by myself : thank you !


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