Friday, August 26, 2022

Membership Website, Learn Dash Website, Lms


Hello this is Happydayday12 i'm a website designerand expert in web development and wordpress development. I did work in different companies as a web developer. 

If you are searching for an online course website / LMS developer? If yes!!! then you are in the right place! I'm a professional LMS(Learndash, LMS Tutor, WPLMS, or Learnpress.) site developer with years of experience.

I will build a completely online Courses website like Udemy, Coursera, Skillshare, etc with powerful plugins like Learndash, LMS Tutor, WPLMS, or Learnpress.

Providing Features:

=>Course Management

=>Front End Course Creation

=>User Dashboard

=>Activity Recording

=>Notification, Message & E-mails

=>Collaborate & Commission

=>Incredibly Flexible

=>Quizzes & Questions

=>Badges & Certification

=>Social sharing membership Plugin Integration eg Memberpress and more.

If you have something more or different according to gigs, then feel free to discuss it with me. Kindly discuss your Job before Placing the order.


-No information regarding SKYPE or ZOOM will be shared before you place the order. Fiverr's TOS will be followed strictly. So place the order and lets get started.


: : : : :

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