Monday, November 21, 2022

Develop Your Webflow Website From Sketch, Xd Or Figma Design


Unique Responsive Websites Built on Webflow

Please contact me before placing your order

About Me

I am a professional Webflow Developer with more than 2 years of experience. I have developed a lot of websites before but my skills are not tied to this platform though, so when it comes to features that Webflow doesn't provide yet I most definitely can create a custom workaround with my coding proficiency.

Services you'll get from this gig:

  • Development of your UI web design(Figma, Adobe xd, Photoshop, Illustrator) into Webflow responsive Website
  • Re-creation of your web-site(Cloning) from a different platform to Webflow
  • Creation of a website with a webflow template
  • Modification of your webflow template.
  • Webflow issue Fixing(Style, responsiveness)
  • Webflow interactions.
  • Custom Coding

The Process 

  1. Design Provision - In this phase, you will provide me with your Web UI Design file.
  2. Build - This phase is dedicated to the building of your site.
  3. Sample Preview - I will provide you with a sample preview of your website to get your feedback and make any changes if needed.
  4. Final Delivery - In this phase, Once you have approved the sample, I will deliver the completed work to you.


: : : : :

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