Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wix Online Store And Website Speed Up


Why very important to optimize wix online store/ website ?

A slow loading website can damage your reputation as well as cost you money, because you’ll lose out on conversions. Conversely, a high performing website will have a positive, domino effect on your business’ success. It will attract more visitors, which then increases sales leads, and ends up bringing in more customers.

Finally, you’ll wonder: Why does website speed optimization matter (outside of the frustrations arising from our extremely short attention spans)? Well, loading time affects usability, conversion, user engagement, and search engine visibility.

If your wix store/ website loading slowly then don't worry about it. I am here to fix your speed up issues.

My Service :

  • Leverage browser caching
  • Minimize redirects
  • Defer parsing of JavaScript
  • Specify a cache validator
  • Minify JavaScript & css
  • Minimize request size
  • Avoid bad requests
  • Optimize images
  • Serve resources from a consistent URL
  • Serve scaled images
  • Combine images using CSS sprites
  • Specify image dimensions and more

Inbox me for more information or ORDER NOW


Seller's Response:

Wenn ich berücksichtige, dass WIX-Websites nur bedingt beschleunigt werden können, wurde der Job korrekt und in der nötigen Qualität ausgeführt. Ich hätte mir aber gerne eine Zusammenfassung der ausgeführten Arbeiten gewünscht, um darauf aufbauend weitere Massnahmen für die Beschleunigung der Website ergreifen zu können.

Seller's Response:

So communicative and easy to work with!


Job well done


Easy communication and set up. Would use again.


Thanks for your details

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