Friday, May 7, 2021

Any Website Speed Optimization For Gtmetrix And Google


Hello there, I am doing here website speed optimization. I have done a lot of website optimization without breaking any page. You will see a good score in GTMetrix . 

What I will fix  -

1) Reduce server response time
2) CDN Setup
3) Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
4) Leverage browser caching
5) Minify HTML
6) Optimize images
7) Yslow improvements
8) Remove unnecessary codes/script/CSS. Which is not meant to be there.
9) defer Javascript
10) Reduce Too many HTTP requests
11) Fix .htacess

Note: Please Check out your website everything's before accepted my delivery Because You can not ask me about any issue after accepting the delivery. I have faced some clients changed my work, editing themes, apps, etc- when he got any issues then asking me I did it !!  That is really pathetic for me. 

Warm Regards
Ruhul Amin


Seller's Response:

Thank you for improving the speed load of my website.

Seller's Response:

Thank you sir

Seller's Response:

Thank you!

Seller's Response:

Very fast work. Noticeable improvement of speed. Ran into a snag, and he corrected it right away. Was worth it. Thanks!


Thank you so much.

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